Seeking Architect for Site Planning in Boynton Beach ?

When to shy away from Big or Boutique Architecture Firms …

Not all architectural firms are able to successfully and consistently produce quality permit and construction plans for residential and commercial projects.   Reason being that most architecture firms direct their attention at quantity rather than quality with an “assembly line” production approach with a “one size fits all” mentality which is very inefficient, hence leading to higher and unnecessary fees.  Additionally, once the job is “landed” and the initial design is established, most firms delegate the project to less experienced project managers whom are not well seasoned in all aspects of architectural practice.  In most cases, the phrase: “more is better” is definitely not the case.  The reality is that a greater majority of projects require a custom and somewhat surgical approach to ensure its success.  And the success of the project often relies on timely delivery of the permit plans and the quality to get through building permit plan review and construction without issue.   When hiring Architectural Consulting & Design, rest assured that your needs, those of the project and the development team are always taken into consideration to ensure that project delivery takes place in an efficient and highly orchestrated manner such that success is ensured each and every time.